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CANMAKE 唇彩水蠟筆 19 Ruby Primrose


滿足妳對唇膏最高的需求 ─ 保濕、著色力持久、減少紫外線照射。乾裂的嘴唇也適用。

● 超豐富的油脂包覆著雙唇!形成一層薄膜,舒適、不黏膩又持久。

● 使用時的舒適感讓妳驚喜,不需先用護唇膏打底。

● 質感清淡,顯色度極佳,讓妳擁有散發自然光澤無法抗拒的嘟嘟嘴。

● 減少紫外線照射:不含紫外線吸收劑,預防皮膚乾燥與暗沉,溫和地保護雙唇。

● 美容成分:蜂蜜、牛油木果油、角鯊烷、石榴、蜂王漿精萃。

保濕植物性油脂:荷荷巴油、橄欖油、玫瑰果油、 葡萄籽油、夏威夷堅果油。

[19] Ruby Primrose 

A seductive blue-toned wine-red.

OK to apply directly, even to chapped lips.

A tinted rouge like a moisturizing lip balm.
Moisturizing lipstick with staying power.
UV-reducing effect

Based on the concept "What would happen if we added color to a lip balm...♥?"
Wave goodbye to troublesome lip make-up!
The moisturizing ability of a lip balm, the color of a lipstick, the sheen of a gloss, plus UV protection…
This single item will satisfy even the most demanding of women.
● Super-rich oils enfold your lips like a silken robe!
● Creates a thin film that clings flexibly to your lips, for a comfortable, non-sticky feeling that lasts and lasts.
OK to apply directly, even to dry, chapped lips.
● You'll be amazed by how smoothly it goes on, even without applying lip balm first!
● Provides solid color despite the light texture, creating irresistible lips with a natural luster.
Moisturize while wearing make-up
● Contains beautifying and moisturizing agents.
● Keeps your lips plump, soft and moist while wearing it.
Beautifying ingredients
Now you won't forget your UV protection!
● Protects against the ultraviolet rays that cause dryness, chapping and dullness.

Contains no ultraviolet absorbers (non-chemical formulation), ensuring gentle protection for your lips.

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